Thursday, April 30, 2009

Has it really been 2 weeks since we posted? We have been crazy busy! Yes, that is a great thing! For those of you wondering about larger orders, we do them. In fact we just shipped an order for over 100,000 brushes, so please don't be limited by the listing you see in our stores. We can and will do large orders.

Also, we are proud to be carrying a new disposable eyeliner brush, with Taklon bristles. Taklon is a great soft synthetic bristle, so this brush is completely animal free. These are direct from the factory in bags of 100 brushes, so any order in multiples of 100 is an option.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mark your Calenders!

Sidewalk Sale on Atomic Mall

If you love to shop, you have to check out Atomic Mall! Buy from as many sellers as you want and then have just on checkout! How easy is that! Just add everything to your cart, pay once and Atomic Mall gets the money to the right people!

And to get your spring off to a great start, there will be a Mall wide Sidewalk Sale from April 18 -20, 2009. Go take a look around and see what you can't live without! Stores will be cutting prices 10%-90%. Mark your calendars and save some Green!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

As promised! Clear lip balm tubes have arrived!

As we alluded to last week, the CLEAR lip balm tubes are in!

We are working to get them on all our shopping sites over the weekend. As of this posting, they can be found on Etsy, eCrater and Bonanzle. Atomic Mall and eBay coming soon!

These are also being offered at an introductory sale of 15% off.

They look so cool when filled with colored lip balm.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Black lip balm tubes are here!

The black lip balm tubes have arrived! .15 oz (full size) just like Chapstick or Burt's Bees. Find them at any of our stores. And until April 12, 2009 they are 15% off. If you need larger lots we can accommodate that, just e-mail us.

Clear tubes will be here in about a week (I strongly suspect we will run a sale on those once they get listed)

Visit us often at your favorite online shopping venue!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

New product!

Coming soon!

Black and clear lip balm tubes are arriving soon! Watch here for word on their arrival or keep an eye out at your favorite shopping site.

These will be the same price as the white ones we carry now, so get started on your summer projects. Yes, lips need protection in the summer just as much as in the winter.

We'll keep you posted!