Saturday, April 4, 2009

Black lip balm tubes are here!

The black lip balm tubes have arrived! .15 oz (full size) just like Chapstick or Burt's Bees. Find them at any of our stores. And until April 12, 2009 they are 15% off. If you need larger lots we can accommodate that, just e-mail us.

Clear tubes will be here in about a week (I strongly suspect we will run a sale on those once they get listed)

Visit us often at your favorite online shopping venue!


  1. do you give discounts to someone who buys LOTS of little jars from you?!!? i'm on my 3rd set already and need 2 more.

  2. We do have discount at 100, 500, 1,000 and 5,000 units.

    Generally lots of over 100 are not listed, but can be requested.
